
Kobayashi loan June release song 2015 " AQUA " introduction video Jazz Guitar Duo Style

小林ユウシ2015年6月リリース曲『AQUA』紹介動画 Jazz Guitar Duo Style

Kobayashi loan June release song 2015 " AQUA " introduction video Jazz Guitar Duo Style

Replace the front pickup of PRO backer 2 of Epiphone in Duncan SH-2N

The front pickup of PRO backer 2 Epiphone I Mai exchanged in Duncan SH-2N the other day . I began to check the wiring as follows . 
先日エピフォンのPROバッカー2のフロントのピックアップをダンカンのSH-2Nに交換しまいた。 以下のように配線を確認して

Front is the pick-up side of the wiring part of the VOLUME .

4 core and the ground I was the same color Why consolidated

I've completed it seems that switching of single and double reversed . 

最新作の『AQUA』のJazz Guitarスタイルのバッキングのレコーディングの風景

最新作の『AQUA』のJazz Guitarスタイルのバッキングのレコーディングの風景をすこし動画で紹介 です。






A first pattern is things like play with two at a time of timing the quadruple is divided into two 8/6 beat of the measure by one by quadruple phrases easy to understand that it is 6 stations.

こんどは もともt3連のシーケンス風のフレーズを4連づつして8/6拍子の小節を2つに分けて4連を2個づつのタイミングで弾くといったものです。

Group is what such a quadruple by dividing the 8/6 time signature of the measure in two by one by quadruple the phrase of sequence-style t3 series play at the timing of the two at a time.

         |←    3連のシーケンス風なフレーズ    」


This time it is things like play the 9 stations are divided into two 8/6 beat of the measure by 9 increments a meaningful phrase it's 6 stations at the timing of one by one.


You play nine at a time the easy-to-understand phrases it's 6 stations